Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Season for Giving

What does Christmas mean to you? For me it has progressively changed from the excitement as a child, to the mad rush as a wife and mother...and now I'm so aware of the hurting this joyous season. I'm surrounded by them in the church, in my workplace and everywhere I go. People who are alone, or who have hurtful memories this season, or who battle depression.

How can I tell? You can see it in their eyes; the gleam is missing, the smile is forced and the loneliness lies bare for all to see. I recently cleaned out my closet of stuff and took a long winter coat I had used 2 years ago that was still in good condition to my friend who makes her home outside a large bookstore in downtown Toronto. Because I frequent this bookstore, I have chatted with her and eventually shared Christ with her, but that didn't make as much of an impact as when I gave her this coat. Her eyes welled up with tears and as we hugged I wished her a Merry Christmas and the joy of the Lord as her strength.

I tell you, giving her that coat probably gave me more joy than she knew, and as I cried all the way back to my office, I knew that this is what Christmas is really all about - GIVING. So give somebody your time, your stuff, your smile, your word of encouragement.....spread the joy this season. That is what Jesus would do.

Have a wonderful and giving-filled holiday!

1 comment:

Juliet Amaka King said...

Sure you may, Hook!
Thank you for the encouraging comment.