Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Bicycle Built for Two

This past week was the first time ever, I saw a 'bicycle built for two'. I stared at the couple as they made their way along College street, close to my office and remembered the song my Mom used to sing when I was growing up where a proposal was being made by a gentleman to a lady, he had no carriage only a 'bicycle built for two'....

But even as I laughed with joy determined to call my Mom and let her know that I'd finally seen a 'bicycle built for two', the Holy Spirit whispered to me, that's how I want to guide you; you stay on the back seat, while I sit up front and watch out for any obstacles. I thought, wow! If that wasn't a visual lesson in letting go and letting God I don't know what is! From now when I want to take control and work everything out by my own strength, I'll remember the 'bicycle built for two' and visually see myself on the back seat and breathe deeply and let go!

Funny how the lady at the back seat was pedalling as well, but I got the feeling that the major force to move forward came from the front rider. Doesn't that tell you something too?
Stay blessed this Christmas season and as we go into the new year, remember to let Him be your guide.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

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