Monday, December 18, 2006

Meditative Reading

I realized recently that I had never understood the real meaning of the word 'meditative' even when I thought I had. Meditative reading for me, meant thinking the Bible passages over in my head after reading and then trying to grasp the inner meaning....until recently.

Two months ago, I attended an 'Encounter' weekend at church and everything changed. I found myself lingering over every word I read, gone was the underlying rush to get through the passage, as if there was a prize for finishing a chapter or even a punishment for not finishing. Instead, a few verses a day was all it took to make me sit and meditate on the depth of the verses and ask for more insight from the Spirit; which I often received, sometimes a few days later.

Try it...sit still and read pleasurably and deeply, ignoring the thousand and one things shouting for your attention in your head. After a while you'll win the battle, and eventually the war - with greater insight and wisdom to show for it!


Anonymous said...

I too struggle with meditative reading. But, when I do it right, I know that I know that I know that I'm in his blessing. It's like a light goes on and He speaks to me through each and every word. Thanks for sharing this and reminding me!

Anonymous said...

Lovely, big sis! I love to meditate too and there is so much untapped power in it. Isn't it exciting that a translating the word meditate from the Scriptures we find another word that means mutter? When we calmly fill our thoughts with his awesome word, it spills out of our mouths ..... or when our thoughts don't seem to want to settle down and we begin to mutter the Word our thoughts come screeching to a halt and line up with our muttering.......either way....what we say is what we'll have! Thanks for such a refreshing piece. I love you.