Friday, September 28, 2007

The Waiter Sets the Tone

I’m onto this waiter theme again…

Our family was recently at a restaurant and the waiter showed us to our table which I immediately didn’t like; it was right in the middle and we would probably have to keep moving for people to go by. So I asked for another table and she immediately replied that none was available.

Another waiter came by and suggested she take us to another section where corner tables were, but she wasn’t eager to do this and eventually my hungry husband went off to help himself to the enticing buffet not understanding what the fuss was about, while I sat down reluctantly with an increasingly sulky attitude….did I enjoy the rest of the lunch? You guessed it, no!

The waiter had set the tone for me and it hindered my appetite or “receiving mode”. That’s how it is when we wait on the Lord with a grumpy and ungrateful attitude, there’s less chance of receiving anything from Him. Also, the blessings go right over your head when they come because you’re too busy making a fuss over what you didn’t get in the past, that you miss the new things He's doing.

Hebrews 6:15 - And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.

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