Monday, July 14, 2008

Taking Out the Precious From the Vile

I think the major culture shock for me in relocating to North America was the bad language or 'swearing'; I always winced (and still do) everytime someone let out expletives beside me and as I took an unscientific poll, I discovered it was a common occurrence.

While reading my bible, I came across this verse a few days ago in Jeremiah 15:19 "..If you take out the precious from the vile, you shall be as my mouth.." I realized that this is a big issue for God that we keep our language pure, not only in Church on Sundays, but everyday so we can hear Him and speak on His behalf.

Swearing has become a way of life for most here but there is still a remnant who have refused to be drawn into the ways of the world just to belong and instead have decided to watch what we speak. It requires a dedicated 'watching' and a determined adherence to the ways of the Holy Spirit by His grace like all other things in the kingdom.

I know it makes a difference but never knew how much of a difference it made until Jesse came back from school one day with an interesting story of how one kid swore beside him and the other 'shushed' his friend up saying, "Don't you know Jesse doesn't like swearing...he's religious". So the world knows the difference, they're watching what we say and do even closer than we are! So take the vile out of your language and speak only precious words of blessing to your hearers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this article! It's wonderful to see how Christians are impacting the world through the internet. For a great blog that's assisting Christians to navigate the often bewildering territory of love and relationships in an increasingly secular world, check out