Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The Head Leads, the Body Follows

Here’s a simple revelation I received while reading Colossians 1:18, of which the first part says: “He also is the Head of [His] body, the church”. So here I am looking at my body and realizing that my head has the sight (eyes), discernment (brain), and makes the major decisions which my body automatically obeys. So simple, wow!

Applying that example to Christ and the Church…it just blows my mind what we can achieve as the ‘Body’ if we follow where our ‘Head’ is leading us. Try looking in one direction and walking in the opposite; exactly! Ouch! We actually automatically, without thinking go in the direction where our eyes are looking at and our brain is thinking about heading, right?

This is how I feel some days when I see the obvious path He wants me to take and I’m saying, “Lord, can’t I please take the other way?” But He’s leading me and urging me down that path and if I resist, I’ll be in pain.

So this year, I’ve once again decided to surrender to His will and go where he leads; amazing, I always think I've learnt how to surrender, until another pull in the opposite direction occurs and I remember that surrendering is a continuous process I must do everyday.


Darlene Schacht said...

That is awesome. Thanks for the inspirations it all makes sense when we put it together.

Darlene Schacht said...

I meant inspiration. :(